Terms and Conditions

We strive to offer 100% satisfaction to all our valued customers.

However, if you need to cancel your order, you must do so before the item is shipped. We are unable to cancel orders after the item has shipped. 

These items are hand made to order and we do not accept returns. 



If you wish to cancel an order, you can do so providing that the item has not already been shipped.

However you will be charged a 50% restocking fee, to cover the cost of material and time. The other 50% will be refunded to you. Unfortunately this is non negatable as we must cover the loss of time and materials ordered.

Refunds and Returns 

All Items are made to order and therefore we do not accept returns under any circumstances. If the item is deemed to be faulty and/or damaged, we will either refund or supply a replacement at our discretion.  Please note, as all items are hand made, faults do not include minor surface flaws or imperfections such as bubbles smaller than 2mm and minor print lines. These small issues do not detract from the overall performance or appearance of the product. 

All items are quality checked and photographed as they are being packaged.

Urethane Products - Sizing issues

All items are size and quality tested before they packaged. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure they measure themselves correctly. Having said this, all head shapes are different and whilst wearable items are roughly sized, they may require the customer to add small amounts of padding to ensure a good fit. 

Electronic Products

Electronic audio products may produce sounds such as background hiss, feedback or electrical interference. Whereas these issues may be resolved by making minor changes to the device settings, they may not be removed entirely. This is the nature of audio equipment and as such will not be considered a fault.  

Replacement Items 

If you believe your item is faulty you must contact us within 7 days of receiving it. We only replace items if they are received in defective or damaged condition which is clearly the fault of the seller.

If you need to contact us, please send us an email at admin@alterego-studios.com. With a description and pictures of your issue.

In the rare instance that an exchange is agreed, you must package the items as originally received before sending it back to us.

A replacement will only be sent once the item is received back and has been checked. Replacements will not be sent before checks are carried out.  

Shipping Costs

The customer will be responsible for any shipping costs associated with returning an item.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. If we offer a replacement, the shipping cost of the replacement item only will be covered by us. Any import taxes or other fees will not be paid by us.  

Depending on where you live, the time taken for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.

If you are returning any items you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We can not guarantee receipt of an un-tracked returned item.

Shipping Times 

We aim to deliver your item as soon as possible, but please be aware shipping times are estimated. Once an item is shipped, we have no control over the couriers schedule. We will provide you with details of who the courier is and a tracking number.   

International buyers are responsible for all customs charges, taxes, fees & procedures that may apply. Please ensure you check this before purchasing as we are unable to control these and cannot be held responsible for them. 

If your item is returned to sender due to any issues or faults with shipping which are not made by Alter Ego Studios, you will be responsible for paying the additional VAT, import, abandonment, return shipping or reposting fees. We will not accept this as a return as no refund can be given once an item has been sent. We will not attempt to resend the item until you have paid the additional fees.  

If an error with shipping is due to the fault of Alter Ego Studios, we reserve the right to cancel your order and correct the mistake so you can then re-order.


DISCLAIMER: Alter Ego Studios and any other affiliated companies are in no way affiliated with or licensed by DC Comics, Marvel or any other company.
All of our work is custom, handmade fan art and in no way intended to infringe upon any copyright.